The directories contain stellar models made with the Eggleton code as described in "Stellar evolution models for Z = 0.0001 to 0.03" Pols, Onno R., Schroder, Klaus-Peter, Hurley, Jarrod R., Tout, Christopher A. and Eggleton, Peter P. 1998 MNRAS 298, 525 All are gzipped. Files ending .out are detailed model output while files ending .mod are the input files for the code. As an example m00110z0003ov12.out contains output for a star of mass 1.1Msun, metallicity Z = 0.0003 and convective overshooting parameter 0.12. Where a helium flash takes place at low masses the evolution is continued in files of the same name but with the initial 'm' replaced by a 'p'. Internal output is given every 300 models and is largely self explanatory. The short summary can be deciphered using the following key: * 1 Mstar 2 dty 3 tn 4 per 5 LH 6 Lth 7 CXH 8 CXHe * 9 CXC 10 CXN 11 CXO 12 CXNe 13 CXMg 14 Cpsi 15 Crho 16 CT * 17 MHcr 18 age 19 tKH 20 RLF 21 LHe 22 Lneu 23 SXH 24 SXHe * 25 SXC 26 SXN 27 SXO 28 SXNe 29 SXMg 30 Spsi 31 Srho 32 ST * 33 MHecr 34 MHtot 35 MHetot 36 Mbin 37 Mdot 38 LCO 39 MTmax 40 TmXH * 41 TmXHe 42 TmXC 43 TmXN 44 TmXO 45 TmXNe 46 TmXMg 47 Tmpsi 48 Tmrho * 49 Tmax 50 MCcr 51 conv1 52 conv2 53 conv3 54 conv4 55 conv5 56 conv6 * 57 conv7 58 conv8 59 conv9 60 conv10 61 conv11 62 conv12 63 Ienv 64 k**2 * 65 per0 66 Srad 67 Slum where S refers to the surface, C to the centre and Tm to the temperature maximum within the star.